Adding Additional Content Types to my Classic ASP and URL Rewrite Samples for Dynamic SEO Functionality
In December of 2012 I wrote a blog titled "Using Classic ASP and URL Rewrite for Dynamic SEO Functionality", in which I described how to use Classic ASP and URL Rewrite to dynamically-generate Robots.txt and Sitemap.xml or Sitemap.txt files. I received a bunch of requests for additional information, so I wrote a follow-up blog this past November titled "Revisiting My Classic ASP and URL Rewrite for Dynamic SEO Functionality Examples" which illustrated how to limit the output for the Robots.asp and Sitemap.asp files to specific sections of your website.
That being said, I continue to receive requests for additional ways to stretch those samples, so I thought that I would write at least a couple of blogs on the subject. With that in mind, for today I wanted to show how you can add additional content types to the samples.
Here is a common question that I have been asked by several people:
"The example only works with *.html files; how do I include my other files?"
That's a great question, and additional content types are really easy to implement, and the majority of the code from my original blog will remain unchanged. Here's the file by file breakdown for the changes that need made:
Filename | Changes |
Robots.asp | None |
Sitemap.asp | See the sample later in this blog |
Web.config | None |
If you are already using the files from my original blog, no changes need to be made to your Robots.asp file or the URL Rewrite rules in your Web.config file because the updates in this blog will only impact the output from the Sitemap.asp file.
Updating the Sitemap.asp File
My original sample contained a line of code which read "If StrComp(strExt,"html",vbTextCompare)=0 Then" and this line was used to restrict the sitemap output to static *.html files. For this new sample I need to make two changes:
- I am adding a string constant which contains a list of file extensions from several content types to use for the output.
- I replace the line of code which performs the comparison.
Note: I define the constant near the beginning of the file so it's easier for other people to find; I would normally define that constant elsewhere in the code.
<% Option Explicit On Error Resume Next Const strContentTypes = "htm|html|asp|aspx|txt" Response.Clear Response.Buffer = True Response.AddHeader "Connection", "Keep-Alive" Response.CacheControl = "public" Dim strFolderArray, lngFolderArray Dim strUrlRoot, strPhysicalRoot, strFormat Dim strUrlRelative, strExt Dim objFSO, objFolder, objFile strPhysicalRoot = Server.MapPath("/") Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Filesystemobject") strUrlRoot = "http://" & Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST") ' Check for XML or TXT format. If UCase(Trim(Request("format")))="XML" Then strFormat = "XML" Response.ContentType = "text/xml" Else strFormat = "TXT" Response.ContentType = "text/plain" End If ' Add the UTF-8 Byte Order Mark. Response.Write Chr(CByte("&hEF")) Response.Write Chr(CByte("&hBB")) Response.Write Chr(CByte("&hBF")) If strFormat = "XML" Then Response.Write "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8""?>" & vbCrLf Response.Write "<urlset xmlns="""">" & vbCrLf End if ' Always output the root of the website. Call WriteUrl(strUrlRoot,Now,"weekly",strFormat) ' -------------------------------------------------- ' This following section contains the logic to parse ' the directory tree and return URLs based on the ' files that it locates. ' -------------------------------------------------- strFolderArray = GetFolderTree(strPhysicalRoot) For lngFolderArray = 1 to UBound(strFolderArray) strUrlRelative = Replace(Mid(strFolderArray(lngFolderArray),Len(strPhysicalRoot)+1),"\","/") Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(Server.MapPath("." & strUrlRelative)) For Each objFile in objFolder.Files strExt = objFSO.GetExtensionName(objFile.Name) If InStr(1,strContentTypes,strExt,vbTextCompare) Then If StrComp(Left(objFile.Name,6),"google",vbTextCompare)<>0 Then Call WriteUrl(strUrlRoot & strUrlRelative & "/" & objFile.Name, objFile.DateLastModified, "weekly", strFormat) End If End If Next Next ' -------------------------------------------------- ' End of file system loop. ' -------------------------------------------------- If strFormat = "XML" Then Response.Write "</urlset>" End If Response.End ' ====================================================================== ' ' Outputs a sitemap URL to the client in XML or TXT format. ' ' tmpStrFreq = always|hourly|daily|weekly|monthly|yearly|never ' tmpStrFormat = TXT|XML ' ' ====================================================================== Sub WriteUrl(tmpStrUrl,tmpLastModified,tmpStrFreq,tmpStrFormat) On Error Resume Next Dim tmpDate : tmpDate = CDate(tmpLastModified) ' Check if the request is for XML or TXT and return the appropriate syntax. If tmpStrFormat = "XML" Then Response.Write " <url>" & vbCrLf Response.Write " <loc>" & Server.HtmlEncode(tmpStrUrl) & "</loc>" & vbCrLf Response.Write " <lastmod>" & Year(tmpLastModified) & "-" & Right("0" & Month(tmpLastModified),2) & "-" & Right("0" & Day(tmpLastModified),2) & "</lastmod>" & vbCrLf Response.Write " <changefreq>" & tmpStrFreq & "</changefreq>" & vbCrLf Response.Write " </url>" & vbCrLf Else Response.Write tmpStrUrl & vbCrLf End If End Sub ' ====================================================================== ' ' Returns a string array of folders under a root path ' ' ====================================================================== Function GetFolderTree(strBaseFolder) Dim tmpFolderCount,tmpBaseCount Dim tmpFolders() Dim tmpFSO,tmpFolder,tmpSubFolder ' Define the initial values for the folder counters. tmpFolderCount = 1 tmpBaseCount = 0 ' Dimension an array to hold the folder names. ReDim tmpFolders(1) ' Store the root folder in the array. tmpFolders(tmpFolderCount) = strBaseFolder ' Create file system object. Set tmpFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Filesystemobject") ' Loop while we still have folders to process. While tmpFolderCount <> tmpBaseCount ' Set up a folder object to a base folder. Set tmpFolder = tmpFSO.GetFolder(tmpFolders(tmpBaseCount+1)) ' Loop through the collection of subfolders for the base folder. For Each tmpSubFolder In tmpFolder.SubFolders ' Increment the folder count. tmpFolderCount = tmpFolderCount + 1 ' Increase the array size ReDim Preserve tmpFolders(tmpFolderCount) ' Store the folder name in the array. tmpFolders(tmpFolderCount) = tmpSubFolder.Path Next ' Increment the base folder counter. tmpBaseCount = tmpBaseCount + 1 Wend GetFolderTree = tmpFolders End Function %>
That's it. Pretty easy, eh?
I have also received several requests about creating a sitemap which contains URLs with query strings, but I'll cover that scenario in a later blog.
(Cross-posted from