What can MSPs gain from linear growth and recurring revenue
We’ve reached it, the critical stage between cloud growth and cloud maturity. And there’s no need to deny that with cloud maturity come great opportunities. Just like Uncle Ben said, right? But more seriously, as a Managed Service Provider (MSP), how can you be sure that adding the cloud to your organization now is right? Did you at all consider the cloud as a more profitable model for your business in 2015?
Installing SQL 2012 Server for Reporting Server
In my previous post, I walked you through the installation of a SQL 2012 Server. Today, I’ll explain how to install SQL 2012 for Operation Manager Data Warehouse. This long-term data warehouse database is used by the OpsMgr 2012 SP1 Reporting Server. Once SQL installation is completed, we’ll configure the SQL Reporting Services and validate that it’s functioning correctly.
5 Resolutions You Can’t Afford to Overlook in 2015
A new year is like a blank page. A fresh start with endless possibilities. Which is why most of us begin the year resolving to change for the better in some way or another. A new year is also a chance to look back on the milestones that occurred in the last months. What was achieved? What went wrong? How did things get this way?
MSPs and IaaS: What to Do in 2015?
There’s no denying it: the cloud industry has reached maturity. And businesses are lining up to make a move to the cloud. According to Gartner, organizations will store 36% of their content in the cloud by 2016, a big jump from the meager 7% they stored in 2011.
Installing SQL Server 2012
Microsoft SQL Server databases are used by over 68% of sites that use one or more database technologies. Surpassed by only Oracle databases, it means most DB admins will have to install or manage SQL servers at one point or another.