Community Links 10/11/2008: URL Rewrite, ASP.NET, Extensibility, Diagnostics, WordPress

Here are a few cool links I found today while catching up on my IIS reading:


URL Rewrite

In case you missed it, the IIS7 URL Rewrite extension is now licensed for production use in its final beta release.  Deploy it today and get all the benefits from one of the most powerful IIS7 features around.  Use it to clean up URLs, provide extension-less URLs, fix canonicalization issues with your site to improve search ranking, redirect incoming users and much, much more.  This latest URL Rewrite release includes all new IIS Manager support for creating rewrite rules using templates, rule testing and more.  Speaking of the URL Rewrite extension, check out these community links:



  • The ASP.NET team announced MVC Preview 5 of the new ASP.NET MVC Framework.  Download the link on codeplex
  • Also in the news, jQuery will now ship with with Visual Studio!  This makes adding slick browser animations to ASP.NET applications a cinch. 
  • ScottGu links to a bunch of related community links on the MVC and jQuery news in his recent blog post.
  • I’ve seen a lot of ASP.NET developers use wildcard script-mapping with IIS 6.0.  As they move to IIS7, questions pop-up about whether *scriptmap is still supported, and how it relates to the new IIS7 integrated pipeline which allows .NET modules and handlers to run natively inside IIS’ core HTTP processing engine.  RuslanY wrote an excellent article on this topic titled, wildcard script mapping and IIS 7 integrated pipeline



1 Comment

  • I'm new to PHP and recently setup my local machine with PHP and MySQL for doing development. I was sort of stuck when I needed to post my work for the user to test and review. After looking around a bit I found a site that hosts PHP and MySQL apps. I was surprised that it was free - it seems they're offering the service at no cost until 2012. At that point they'll change over to a fee-based service. However, in the meantime, it's a great place to do anything from demo and sandbox right up to posting sites for real.

    Their pitch is as follows:

    "This is absolutely free, there is no catch. You get 350 MB of disk space and 100 GB bandwidth. They also have cPanel control panel which is amazing and easy to use website builder. Moreover, there is not any kind of advertising on your pages."

    Check it out using this link:

    Important: There's one catch in that you must make sure you visit the account every 14 days - otherwise the account is marked 'Inactive' and the files are deleted!!!

    Thanks and good luck!

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