I was troubleshooting an issue today using Failed Request Tracing (FREB) and I kept getting LOG_FILE_MAX_SIZE_TRUNCATE before I could find the root cause of the issue. I came across a post with information on how to change the default size of the FREB log file and find the issue.

cd /d “%windir%\system32\inetsrv”
appcmd set config /section:sites -siteDefaults.traceFailedRequestsLogging.maxLogFileSizeKB:1024

You will note that the default size of the log file is 512 KB.  In my case I needed to temporarily set the maxLogFileSize to 2048 KB in order to track down the issue.

Here’s the original blog post:

Rick is a Senior Support Lead at OrcsWeb, a hosted server company providing managed hosting solutions.

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