IIS7 - Administration Pack - technical preview released
Here are the links to download the new IIS7 admin pack - technical preview version:
IIS7 - Running ASP.NET 1.1 applications
There a lot of other articles available in which explains how to run an ASP.NET application on IIS7. Here are those steps:
AJAX - Calling PageMethods defined on a UserControl
I recently worked with one of my customer, asking for help to migrate his application to AJAX.NET. He had some UserControls which had few methods which needs to be called (ScriptMethods).
IIS 6.0 - Disabling ASP.NET on all virtual directories, but one?
One of my customer running IIS 6.0 had this special scenario where he would like to run ASP.NET 2.0 applications only on a single virtual directory on the entire server. He would like to isolate his Virtual Directory alone to have the ScriptMaps of ASP.NET, but not any other website or virtual directory or a folder.
IIS7 - Making IIS7 Manager UI Extension development easier - a little VS trick
When I started developing IIS7 Manager UI Extension modules, it took a little longer time for me to create the entire form manually. Robert's post helped me to some extent. But, still it took a little bit of more time till I figured out this little trick which I'm going to explain.
IIS7 - Hosting a UNIX compiled CGI application on IIS 7.0
I'm cross posting my earlier post in my MSDN blog just to let you know how interoperable IIS 7.0 is.
IIS7 - Kernel Mode Authentication
One of my customer was running into a kerberos issue on IIS 7.0. While working on this issue, I remembered this kernel-mode windows authentication which would make your kerberos life easier if you are using domain user to run your AppPool as. I was trying to look out to enable kernel mode windows authentication (which is in fact would be enabled by default if the feature is available). But I was not able to find it.