Update Released for Dynamic IP Restrictions Beta

We had a couple of forum threads that reported an issue in the Beta module for Dynamic IP Restrictions. Since we are doing a significant amount of change for Beta 2, we wanted to unblock customers affected by this issue be releasing a patch. So here it is:

x86 patch: http://download.microsoft.com/download/A/D/7/AD7DC1B4-C740-4F05-8019-F1EB72326FB2/dyniprestrictions_beta_x86.msp
x64 patch: http://download.microsoft.com/download/7/C/0/7C0EC032-7FFF-4D6B-A846-F72EDC3CE952/dyniprestrictions_beta_x64.msp

We have also updated the MSIs, so that if you were to do a fresh install, you would get a patched version of the Beta. Please post any issues with the patch on the IIS 7 security forum.

1 Comment

  • Nazim, just wanted to know if you can give us a approximate time frame of the final release of this module, as we want to install this in production.

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