IIS FastCGI and PHP: What you absolutely need to know to host PHP applications on IIS 6 and IIS 7

Everybody knows that IIS FastCGI is a great way to run PHP applications on IIS.

We've been making great strides at delivering a solid production experience for hosting PHP on IIS, for both IIS7 on Windows Vista/Windows Server 2008 and IIS6 / IIS5.1 on Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP.

So, if you are looking to give FastCGI a try, where should you start? With all the coverage this work has been receiving, its starting to get out of hand.

Get all the information you absolutely need to know to get started at: http://mvolo.com/blogs/serverside/archive/2007/10/09/IIS-FastCGI-and-PHP_3A00_-What-you-absolutely-need-to-know-to-host-PHP-applications-on-IIS-6-and-IIS-7.aspx.

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