IIS FastCGI Tech Preview 2 has been released!
The FastCGI Technical Preview 2 release is an update for the first ever release of Microsoft IIS FastCGI feature in October 2006, providing a platform for high-performance and reliable way to run application frameworks like PHP on IIS.
Get the scoup at
Also, check out the instructions for setting up Ruby on Rails with TP2 at
Get nice looking directory listings for your IIS website with DirectoryListingModule
Many of us do on the IIS team, and so over the past several years we've built a few directory listing modules to spice up IIS directory listings.
I figured I should put an end to this by writing one that is oh so much better then all the other ones - and then give it to you to build some cool templates, and create complely customized directory listings for your website.
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Display pretty file icons in your ASP.NET applications with IconHandler
Displaying icons in your web application can also be pretty compelling (for example, to spruce up that boring directory listing page, or visually represent documents in your web app). Wouldn't it be cool if you can write an ASP.NET control or page that can embed these icons on your custom directory listing view?
Unfortinately, there is no easy way to get icons for files in the .NET framework, so you have to do a little interop with the Windows shell to get the icon for a file / file extension, and then figure out a way to serve it over the web as an image. So, I wrote an ASP.NET image handler that serves the icon for an aritrary file or extension, that you can simply drop into your application to get these pretty icons for whatever purposes you need.