ASP.NET Health Monitoring was one of the major features I worked on for the ASP.NET 2.0 release. Fast forward 8 years later, after releasing ASP.NET, IIS7. and building LeanSentry. This is the story of this feature, lessons learned while building it, and a practical take on when to use/not to use Health Monitoring for monitoring your ASP.NET applications.
How do you know if your website is running slowly? Using the common metric of Average Response Time turns out to be a terrible idea.
These are the reasons why, and this is how we resolved this problem for LeanSentry ...
We've spent the last 5 years helping our clients build better websites on the Microsoft web platform. Eventually we got sick of logging into servers to debug IIS problems with appcmd, EventLog, windbg, and logparser.
So we built LeanSentry, a realtime diagnostic service for web applications on the Microsoft web platform ...