
Archives / 2008
  • Serving Media Content from User Folders in Web Playlists

    You can use the Web Playlists feature in IIS Media Services to serve media assets referenced in Web playlist files (files with .isx file name extensions), provided that the media assets (audio and video files) are stored in folders on the Web server computer that can be accessed by the Web Playlists feature. By default, these folders include the Web site root (<systemdrive>\inetpub\wwwroot). If you want to serve media assets stored in your user account folders (for example, music files stored in <systemdrive>\Users\<username>\Music>, you can create impersonation credentials in the Web Playlists feature to enable Web Playlists to connect to the media assets under the context of an authenticated Windows client. This allows you to maintain one set of media files that you can serve to customers, rather than creating copies of the files in the Web site root. This article describes how to create impersonation credentials in Web Playlists for your user account Music folder. You can use the procedure in the article for any folder on the local Web server computer that stores media assets.

  • Using HTTP for Streaming and Downloading from the Same Computer

    By default, the HTTP Listener (HTTP.sys) for the default Web site in IIS 7.0 listens to all requests coming in on port 80 for all static IP addresses bound to the network adapter (site binding = http:*:80:). Thus, when you install Windows Media Services on the same computer, you can't stream by using HTTP. If you try to configure HTTP streaming by enabling the WMS HTTP Server Control Protocol plug-in in Windows Media Services, you'll get an error that looks something like this: