
Archives / 2006
  • WMI7: A primer...

    WMI stands for Windows Management Instrumentation.  I'm going to skip the whole introduction of what WMI is as there are numerous articles available online that will do a much better job at explaining it.  These articles are easily discoverable simply by type 'WMI' into your favorite search engine. has a lot of useful information that digs deep into the guts of WMI and is very useful for people wanting to write their own providers.  For people that just want a general overview, I found that Wikipedia is sufficient.

  • ...IIS7 Sighting...

    Its been rumored that IIS7 has been touring around the world.  Most wouldn't recognize IIS7 if they saw it, but for the people who are aware of what IIS7 is capable of, an IIS7 sighting is an exciting event.  It's similar to the time my buddies and I saw Natrone Means and some other Charger's players at Applebee's a couple of weeks before they played in the SuperBowl.  Many people wouldn't have known who they were or even noticed them in the restaurant, but for die-hard Charger's fans who've been waiting to go to the SuperBowl since the days of Air Coryell, you could just walk in the room and feel their presence.  But I digress...