Install and Use the IIS Database Manager to Manage a Remote SQL Server or MySQL Database
The IIS Database Manager is a *great* tool for connecting to, and managing, remote databases - both Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL databases. But don't install it from Microsoft's site or even WebPI or you'll just get headaches.
Problem Steps Recorder Overview
The Problem Steps Recorder is a handy tool you may want to check out if you ever need to capture issue-reproduction and share that information with others - or have others capture the information to share it with you. :)
IIS Database Manager
If you want to connect to, and manage, a database on a remote server using the IIS Database Manager tool - do NOT try to download and install it from the link below. All you'll get is frustration. While not clear to me, or several other people who stumbled upon, that link is for the server-side component... not the part you need as an end-user.