IIS Migration and Synchronization tool, Web Deploy (Technical Preview 1)
We recently released IIS7's Web Deploy, which gives you the ability to migrate and synchronize IIS6 and IIS7 applications(download the x86 bits here and the x64 bits here).
TechNet Radio Broadcasts for "Managing PHP on Windows" and "Deploying and Managing a Customized Web Server"
Right before the holidays, we did some radio broadcasts on our team targeting the IT Professional and focusing on specific topics of interest in IIS7.
Integrated Pipeline and Hostable Web Core: Two good things to know if you develop on top of IIS...
IIS7 is a big release for developers. For example, we've changed our extensibility model in this version to make it easier for customers and vendors to build web applications and extend the Web server. I think two of the most interesting innovations in this release are the integrated pipeline and hostable Web core. Mike Volodorsky wrote a great article on one of the reasons why the integrated pipeline is so cool in this month's MSDN magazine. Check it out if you can at: Hostable Web core (HWC) is a feature that we haven't talked enough about but will start adding more information to (stay tuned). HWC opens up a lot of interesting scenarios if you are looking to build solutions or tools that hosts IIS, like a control panel. Kanwal did an excellent job of introducing Hostable Web core to developers in this blog:
New worker process performance counters in IIS7
In IIS7 RC0, one of the neat new features we added were two performance counters that give you a window into what’s happening on a per worker processes and the application level at runtime. This is useful because it lets you have a finer-grained monitoring view on servers that are running a large load. You can check out the overall health of specific processes and apps on a well-loaded server with these two new counters, which let you monitor and track over time per worker process data, like when/how requests are queuing or if the output cache truly is working. All of our worker process counter instances are named <pid>_<apppool_name>. If you wanted to search in perfmon for a counter, you could use the *_AppPoolName to get all WP instances running that app pool.