
Archives / 2006 / June
  • Execution order of modules in IIS7

    Each request received by IIS 7.0 goes through multiple stages in the IIS request pipeline (read more about request pipeline here). In IIS, request processing move from one stage to the next stage in a fixed sequence. If any of the modules in system.webServer/modules section have subscribed to the event for the current stage then IIS calls each of those modules one by one before moving on to next stage. If there are multiple modules which subscribe to the same event (say RQ_BEGIN_REQUEST), module with higher priority is called first. Native modules can set execution priority for itself in RegisterModule using SetPriorityForRequestNotification. The following code snippet illustrates this for RQ_BEGIN_REQUEST. Read more ...

  • Changes to compression in IIS7

    Compression module provides IIS the capability to serve compressed responses to compression enabled clients. Clients which can accept compressed responses send Accept-Encoding header indicating compression schemes they can handle. If IIS can compress the response using a compression scheme which client can understand, IIS will send a compressed response with Content-Encoding response header indicating the scheme which was used to compress the response. Read more ...