
Archives / 2009 / June
  • Patch for Dynamic IP Restrictions for IIS 7 - Beta

    Dynamic IP Restrictions (DIPR) was created to give users a tool to help mitigate the effects of DOS attacks and certain brute-force password breaking attempts. The Out-Of-Band (OOB) feature description is (perhaps more elegantly) outlined on this page: In short, it is a handy tool that is easy to configure to protect a site/server from certain attacks.

  • TAP Once for Quality

    Microsoft is home to a number of acronyms, to the point where it is sometimes referred to as TLA (Three-Letter Acronym) land. I am a recent graduate of an acronym program: TAP, which stands for Test Apprentice Program. This program was designed to take non-CS majors with a penchant for breaking things and turn them into qualified software testers.