
Archives / 2011
  • Using Windows Authentication with Web Deploy and WMSVC

    By default in Windows Server 2008 when you are using the Web Management Service (WMSVC) and Web Deploy (also known as MSDeploy) it will use Basic authentication to perform your deployments. If you want to enable Windows Authentication you will need to set a registry key so that the Web Management Service also supports using NTLM. To do this, update the registry on the server by adding a DWORD key named "WindowsAuthenticationEnabled" under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\WebManagement\Server, and set it to 1. If the Web Management Service is already started, the setting will take effect after the service is restarted.

  • Razor Migration Notes 1: Moving a SitemapPath Control to ASP.NET Web Pages

    After many years I decided that it is time to rewrite my Web site using Razor. A bit of history, I started it around 2003 using ASP.NET 1.1. When .NET 2.0 came around in 2005 I migrated to it and it was great being able to leverage features like MasterPages, Themes, Sitemaps, and many other features. Honestly it is a pretty simple Web site, with mostly content, so very few controls, Sitemap, my own custom Menu control, and a couple more. Last week it was moved to use .NET 4.0 and it feels its about time to go back and update it a bit, both in look and features. So this (if time permits) will be the first of a series of migration notes that I discover as I move it to use ASP.NET Razor (aka WebPages). Do note that this is not meant to be a best practice in anyway, I would never claim I can make such a thing, these will be only my personal notes as I discover more details in ASP.NET WebPages features and as I move my own implementation to use them.