FastCGI TP2 - Unofficial Update 70419

FastCGI tech preview 2 went out a long time ago. Since then there has been tons of excellent feedback in the FastCGI forums on Thank you!

Unfortunately it's going to be a while before there's another official tech preview / beta. In the mean time, I've attached bits that contain fixes for all issues reported to date. I must warn you: The attached update bits have not been as thoroughly tested as TP2, so you mileage may vary. Please report any issues you encounter to and highlight that you're using unofficial update 70419.

In other good FastCGI news: FastCGI will be in Longhorn Server Beta 3! (not released yet)

1 Comment

  • Thanks for the update, it's scary when there is nothing to digest for months on end :)

    I think you (the developers) should know that there are people out here hoping every day for progress in this module... as we're fighting with the issues of existing (and old, unupported) solutions.

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