Contents tagged with VBScript
Creating an HTML Application to Convert Text Files to Audio Files
I'd like to take a brief departure from my normal collage of web-related and server-management examples and share a rather eclectic code sample.
How to create an HTML Application to configure your IIS SMTP Username and Password settings
Like many IIS administrators, I usually install the local SMTP service on my IIS servers when I am setting up a new server from scratch. When I install the SMTP service, I configure it so that it only listens on the IP address of, so it can only send emails which originate on the server itself. What's more, I configure the SMTP service to relay all emails to a downstream SMTP service which can send emails out to the Internet. By configuring these options, I can write my ASP.NET, PHP, and Classic ASP applications so that they use the local SMTP service for all email-related functionality, which acts as a sort of message server for my applications. This system works great, and I have used this particular setup since the days of IIS 4.0. (Which was released in late 1997, as you may recall.)