Contents tagged with Technology
Securely Transmit a Secret [password]
“Help, Dick, Help!” exclaimed Sally. “I lost my password” “Look, Jane, Look,” said Dick. “I emailed you your password.” Jane sees her password. Everybody sees her password. Jane is sad. Dick is sad. Transmitting secret information, such as a password, to a user across the Internet is often mishandled. One common way is to send the password through email. While
Demystifying the Cloud
In the current technology segment, there is no buzzword used more than ‘the cloud.’ This mystical term conjures up all kinds of thoughts, many of which are most likely inaccurate.
PowerShell – command line interface on steroids
Some of you were born with a cell phone in your hand. Others like me got their first exposure to computers and technology with the release of the 8088 processor and floppy drives.
DNS 101
The Internet is still a mystery to many people. The goal of this post is to explain the Domain Name System (DNS) in simple terms to help more people gain an understanding. The Internet is a worldwide network of computers and devices that share information. In this network all devices and resources are accessed by IP addresses. The simplicity of this network isn’t very user friendly, though, because in order to access your favorite web site you would have to remember its IP address.