Exchange CAS Server running on IIS 7.0 – Spell Check Error
Following is the environment with exchange OWA setup in FE/BE.
E2k3 - BE Cluster
E2k3 - FE Server
E2k7 - CAS server (Windows 2008 - IIS 7.0)
OWA spell check works fine when OWA is accessed on the BE server and via the E2k3-FE server.
The OWA spell check fails only via E2k7 (Windows 2008 - IIS 7.0) CAS server and the OWA users get following error message while running Spell Check
"The spelling in this item can't be checked. Try again later"
Verified configurations on FE and BE server for IIS - looks good.
From IIS logs on E2k7 IIS7.0 CAS Server, IIS logs shows “404.8” as status code.
Here is how the entry in IIS logs looks like:
W3SVC1 POST /exchweb/bin/spell/owaspell.dll - 443 404 8 0 1430 814 0
Created a sample page like time.asp and browsed that - http://servername/exchweb/bin/spell/time.asp
Sample page also fails with 404.8 status code.
On IIS7.0 (CAS Server) look at ApplicationHost.config.
Take a back up of ApplicationHost.config and then edit/open the ApplicationHost.config with Administrator .
Locate and Change the following:
<hiddenSegments applyToWebDAV="true">
<add segment="web.config" />
<add segment="bin" /> <=========== Remove or comment this entry from ApplicationHost.config file and save the ApplicationHost.config file.
Now the spell check works fine on CAS server.
Related Blogs:
IIS7 blocks viewing access to files in bin and other folders
IIS 7.0: security Element (IIS Settings Schema)