Contents tagged with IIS News Item

  • Introducing the IIS Administration API

    IIS is a mature technology with a large amount of configuration available. Historically the configuration of IIS has been done through WMI, Appcmd, PowerShell, and graphically through IIS Manager. All of these technologies have continued to serve their purpose, allowing users to configure the web server to meet their needs. Recently the IIS team has been working on a project to open up IIS configuration even more by creating a REST API that exposes the configuration system. This API is not meant to replace any of the existing configuration access mechanisms, but stand beside them and offer an open method for interacting with IIS. The REST API communicates with HTTPS making it accessible from any device that knows how to send a web request. This allows IIS to be configured more freely and opens the door for configuration clients that were not possible before, such as mobile applications.