
Archives / 2008 / May
  • Streaming == Content Protection? (Part 2)

    So in part one, I talked about technically how streaming and content protection works and why they're independent and not tied to each other. Today, I'd like to share with you how I view the claims behind this notion and what they're really about. The claims I'm going to quote here are from a technical paper that was published by a company that advocates this concept. If you're familiar with media streaming, you should know which company I'm talking about. :) For the purpose of this blog, let me call it "the company". (Disclaimer: this is not the same "the company" that chases Michael Scofield and his brother in "Prison Break" :-) ).

  • Streaming == Content Protection? (Part 1)

    Recently I got a chance to talk to a customer who does a lot of media streaming as well as progressive download. One thing he mentioned was that more and more people start to believe that if they want content protection, they need to switch to streaming instead of using progressive download from a web server. I know that this idea has been floating around for quite some time but I never imagined that content protection would be a major reason why people want to do streaming. Because technically they're just two different things.

  • Web Playlist and Bit-rate Throttling - Working together

    Hello, my name is Sam Zhang (or 章葛强 if you can read Chinese) and I'm a lead developer on IIS Media Pack team. I've always wanted to start my own blog to talk about IIS and media but couldn't do it until now. J IIS Media Pack team is a relatively new team with a vision to enable advanced media scenarios on IIS platform. This team has a group of bright and smart people who are really passionate about web media technologies. I hope you will find useful information in my blogs and at the same time provide us your valuable feedbacks.