Accepting Questions for Web Pro Series Q&A

If you’ve been following my 52-week series you most likely noticed that we’re nearing the end.  This evening, for example, I’m recording week 47. 

One viewer made a suggestion to create a Q&A for the last couple videos.  I thought that would be a great idea.  Let’s do it!  I’ll accept questions for the next month or so and toward the end of January I’ll record the final two weeks as a Q&A session.

Please use the comments section below to ask IIS or IIS related questions which you would like to see answered.  Note that I approve all comments before they show up, otherwise the spammer overwhelm the comments, so your question may not show up immediately.

I’m targeting quicker Q&A questions rather than full walkthroughs, but feel free to ask any type of question you want and I’ll take on whichever questions that I’ll have time for, or which I hope to be able to give a reasonably worthwhile answer for. Winking smile

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