New IIS7 Modules: IIS7 Remote Manager for Windows Server 2008 RC0 and Media Pack Bit-Rate Throttling Module Tech Preview

We are releasing two new IIS7 modules today, ready for download now:

·        IIS7 Remote Manager for Windows Server 2008 RC0: This is a standalone Web download of the IIS7 manager that you can install on a client to manage IIS7 installations remotely. You can use this tool remotely perform almost any task that can be done locally on the server – and you don’t need to have IIS7 installed to run the Remote Manager. You can also install the 64-bit version of IIS7 Remote Manager.

·        Media Pack Bit-Rate Throttling Module (Technical Preview): Bit Rate Throttling automatically detects the encoded bit rate of each file and controls how fast the first few seconds and then the rest of the stream is downloaded. This automatically throttling of bandwidth saves network bandwidth (since media naturally downloads as fast as the bandwidth allows) while preserving the fast start-up experience for the end user. You can also download the 64-bit version of the media pack technical preview.

In IIS7, we have built a rock-solid extensibility platform. We are building on top of our platform, delivering modules to customers via download from IIS.NET. While modules are in Technical Preview and GoLive mode, we look for your feedback in the forums and respond directly to your comments, questions, and suggestions. We firmly believe that we need you, the customer, to help us build the best Web platform in the world. We can’t take every suggestion, but we listen to them all and respond to more than you would think. J


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