Status Codes UI: Know the meaning of your Status Codes

A lot of times I come across people who can read the IIS logs but cannot understand the meaning of the status codes mentioned. As always, they resort to a search engine to find out the meaning. Had some free time so I cooked up this little IIS 7 UI module that tells you the status code and its corresponding meaning. The setup for now is manual but I will work on a setup utility in a future release.

Hope you find it useful. Please do leave your feedback, suggestions and comments as always.

Installation Procedure:

1. Grab a copy of the required files. Download it from here

2. Copy sccheck_schema.xml into C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\schema folder.

3. Open ApplicationHost.config (C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config) and add

<section name="sccheck" />
under <sectionGroup name="system.webServer">

4. Run the program addcodes.exe. You should be seeing an output as below:

5. Now add sccheck.dll in the GAC.

6. Open Administration.config (C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config) and place
<add name="sccheck" type="sccheck.sccheckModuleProvider, sccheck, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=124c916c4cac2452"> in the module providers section.

7. Again in the modules section of Administration.config add <add name="sccheck" />

That's it. Now open up IIS Manager and in the Management category you should be seeing Status Codes. Open that up and you should be seeing the following:

Status Codes in also integrated with the IIS configuration so you can also access the status codes explanation from appcmd.exe

>appcmd.exe list config -section:sccheck

It seems like an odd things when you see it individually. But, mix it up with your other modules and applications and you will get yourself a pretty good solution.

Have Fun!

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