Introducing NETOOP (The .NET Object Oriented Portal)
Yesterday I announced and new project I’m starting( READ HERE )
Since last night 40 people have joined the private wiki to participate in the collaborative design.
“The Project” now has a name and a domain !
NETOOP – the .NET Object Oriented Portal (Is were it will run……)
One of the commenters to my blog post asked,
What guiding patterns will you be using, and what technologies?
Is this an ASP.NET Ajax w/Linq to SQL thing?
Of course it will be ASP.NET and use Microsoft SQL Server but the rest is for us to discuss and decide.
In response to another question – ALL EXPERIENCE LEVELS ARE WELCOME.
One of the goals is for the end result to be ready to install, use, modify, and extend by ANY developer, so we NEED folks with all different experience levels.
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Join up – lets have some fun and do something cool together !