IIS Powershell: Getting config section names and attributes names dynamically

IIS Powershell provider cmdlets require the config section path for the -filter parameter and the attribute names while getting/setting attribute value.

But it is not easy to memorize the full configuration path or attribute names for each config section.

So, I have created a utility method and a useful variable, such as $iis, and I put the full source code below so that you can customize if you want.

How to use this tool.

  1. Start powershell.exe
  2. Copy the below code and paste onto the powershell window to register the one utility function, Get-WebSchema, and to create a powershell variable, $iis with using the utility function
  3. Try to run the Example Scenario 6~9 and you will see how you can use this tool with the IIS Powershell cmdlets. (NOTE: you will know you can use the auto-tab funcationality while using the $iis variable, which is what I told about getting config section names and attribute names dynamically as the following example:

    # Ex.) without using $iis variable; users should know the full config path and attribute name
    >> PS C:Windowssystem32> Get-WebConfigurationProperty -filter /system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication -name enabled

    # Ex.) using $iis variable; users can use the auto-tab to get the config section name string using $iis
    >> Get-WebConfigurationProperty -filter $iis.basicAuthentication -name $iis.basicAuthentication._enabled
####  Copy and paste from here!!!
#     -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
#     C:\> Get-WebSchema -list
#     This command retrieves the list of schema files that are available.
#     -------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
#     C:\> Get-WebSchema -list -fileName "$env:windir\system32\inetsrv\config\schema\IIS_schema.xml"
#     This command retrieves the list of sections that are available for IIS_Schema.xml file.
#     -------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------
#     C:\> Get-WebSchema -list -fileName "$env:windir\system32\inetsrv\config\schema\IIS_schema.xml" -sectionName system.webServer/asp
#     This command retrieves an xml node object for the asp section in Iis_Schema.xml file.
#     -------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------
#     C:\> Get-WebSchema -fileName "$env:windir\system32\inetsrv\config\schema\IIS_schema.xml" -sectionName system.webServer/asp
#     This command list all config information (Ie. attribute/method/element/collection) of the asp section
#     -------------------------- EXAMPLE 5 --------------------------
#     C:\> Get-WebSchema -fileName "$env:windir\system32\inetsrv\config\schema\IIS_schema.xml"
#     This command list all config information (Ie. attribute/method/element/collection) of the IIS_Schema file
#     -------------------------- EXAMPLE 6 --------------------------
#     C:\> $iis
#     This command will dump all available config sections
#     -------------------------- EXAMPLE 7 --------------------------
#     C:\> $iis.site
#     This command will return string value of the full config path such as system.applicationHost/sites/site
#     -------------------------- EXAMPLE 8 --------------------------
#     C:\> $iis.appSettings._file
#     This command will return string value of the attribute name, such as "file", of the appSettings config section. 
#     (NOTE: for quick find attribute name, I put "_" string at the beginning of attribute name. 
#     For the example, $iis.appSettings._<TAB> will show $iis.appSettings._file.

function global:Get-WebSchema()

    if ($list -and $sectionName -and -not $fileName)
        throw $(Get-PSResourceString -BaseName 'ParameterBinderStrings' -ResourceId 'AmbiguousParameterSet')

    if ($list -and $recurse)
        throw $(Get-PSResourceString -BaseName 'ParameterBinderStrings' -ResourceId 'AmbiguousParameterSet')

    if ($sectionName -and -not $fileName)
        throw $(Get-PSResourceString -BaseName 'ParameterBinderStrings' -ResourceId 'AmbiguousParameterSet')

    if ($list)
        if ($sectionName)
            [xml]$xml = Get-Content $filename
            $rootNode = $xml.get_documentElement()
            $rootNode.sectionSchema | ForEach-Object {
                $nodeObject = $_                
                if ($nodeObject.name.tolower() -eq $sectionName.tolower())
            if ($fileName)
                [xml]$xml = Get-Content $filename
                $rootNode = $xml.get_documentElement()
                $rootNode.sectionSchema | ForEach-Object {
                    $sectionName = $_.name
                Get-ChildItem "$env:windir\system32\inetsrv\config\schema" -filter *.xml | ForEach-Object {
                    $filePath = $_.fullname
        if (-not $fileName -and -not $nodeObject) {
            throw $($(Get-PSResourceString -BaseName 'ParameterBinderStrings' -ResourceId 'ParameterArgumentValidationErrorNullNotAllowed') -f $null,'fileName')

        if (-not $nodeObject)
            [xml]$xml = Get-Content $filename
            $rootNode = $xml.get_documentElement()
            $rootNode.sectionSchema | ForEach-Object {
                $nodeObject = $_
                if ((-not $sectionName) -or ($nodeObject.name.tolower() -eq $sectionName.tolower()))
                    Get-WebSchema -nodeObject $_ -filename $fileName -sectionName $nodeObject.name -verbose:$verbose
            ("element", "collection", "attribute", "method") | ForEach-Object {
                $type = $_.tostring()
                if ($nodeObject.$type -ne $null) 
                    $nodeObject.$type | ForEach-Object {
                         $leafObject = $_
                         $output = new-object psobject
                         if ($type -eq "collection") 
                             $name = $leafObject.addElement
                             if ($verbose)
                                 $name = "[name]"
                             $name = $leafObject.name

                         $ItemXPath = $null
                         if ($verbose)
                             $ItemXPath = ($sectionName+"//"+$name)
                             $ItemXPath = ($sectionName+"/"+$name)
                         add-member -in $output noteproperty ItemXPath $ItemXPath
                         add-member -in $output noteproperty Name $name
                         add-member -in $output noteproperty XmlObject $leafObject
                         add-member -in $output noteproperty Type $leafObject.toString()
                         add-member -in $output noteproperty ParentXPath $sectionName

                         if ($type -eq "element" -or $type -eq "collection") 
                             Get-WebSchema -nodeObject $_ -filename $fileName -sectionName $ItemXPath -verbose:$verbose

$global:iis = new-object psobject
(dir "$env:windir\system32\inetsrv\config\schema\*.xml") | sort -Descending | select FullName,Name | foreach {
  $file = $_.Name
  $filepath = $_.FullName
  $saved_section = $null
  $sectionName = $null   
  $sectionValue = $null   

  Get-WebSchema -fileName $filePath | where {$_.Type -eq "attribute"} | foreach {
    $sectionPath = $_.ParentXPath
    $attribute = $_.Name

    ## when a new section is found
    if ($saved_section -ne $sectionPath) { 
      if ($sectionName -ne $null)  
        ## Now that the $sectionvalue is made for a specific config section, 
        ## let's add the unique $sectionName noteproperty with $sectionName value onto $iis object
        add-member -in $iis noteproperty $sectionName $sectionValue 

      ## Let's create a new $sectionValue with assigning a new sectionPath value
      $sectionValue = $sectionPath

      ## Let's get an unique $sectionName which was not used before
      $tokens = $sectionPath.split("/")
      $sectionName = $tokens[$tokens.length-1]

      if ($tokens.length -gt 1 -and $tokens[$tokens.length-1] -eq "add") 
        $sectionName = $tokens[$tokens.length-2] + "_" + $tokens[$tokens.length-1]
      ## if existing one has the same section configPath, copy it to the $sectionValue and then remove existing one in order to append
      if ($iis.$sectionName -ne $null -and $iis.$sectionName -eq $sectionPath) 
        $sectionValue = $iis.$sectionName
        $iis = $iis | select * -exclude $sectionName
      if ($iis.$sectionName -ne $null) 
        $i = 2;
          $temp = $sectionName + $i
          $i = $i + 1
        while ($iis.$temp -ne $null)            
        $sectionName = $temp

      # reset $saved_section variable with the new section path
      $saved_section = $sectionPath

    ## Let's add all of the attributes as a child noteproperty onto the $sectionValue string object
    $sectionValue = $sectionValue | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name ("_"+$attribute) -value $attribute -passthru 

  if ($sectionName -ne $null)
    ## Let's process the last $sectionValue after loop statement 
    add-member -in $iis noteproperty $sectionName $sectionValue 

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