Hosting ASP.NET for .NET Framework 3.5 Beta 2 in Medium or Partial Trust

If you're hosting the .NET Framework 3.5 (Beta 2) or planning on it, keep in mind there is some additional work required for the Beta 2 bits. The attached document describes two issues (and their corresponding workarounds) when hosting ASP.NET websites using .NET Framework 3.5 Beta 2 under Medium or partial trust. The issues and workarounds apply only to .NET Framework 3.5 Beta 2, and will be addressed in the final version of the product.


The first issue is for developers and this section explains what they need to change so they can create partial trust applications in Visual Studio 2008 Beta 2.  The second issue covers what a hoster needs to enable in Code Access Security on the server in order to host an ASP.NET application in partial trust that leverages LINQ. Specifically, there are flags needed for the ReflectionPermission and this is covered in the LINQ features section starting on page 4.


Matt Gibbs made a post in his blog for developers and hosters can share this information with their customers.

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