
Archives / 2009
  • Debugging WINCACHE on Windows using Visual Studio - Basic

    In this post I am going to talk about basic tools you will need as well as basic steps which will enable you to start debugging WINCACHE. I will talk about a way to debug WINCACHE running in both PHP CLI as well as CGI version. I am planning to write a series of blog post which will be helpful in debugging WINCACHE. This is just the beginning. So please be patient and forgive me if some of the posts sound for novice user. All my post will assume that you are debugging PHP CGI running under IIS using FastCGI. This means using the non thread safe version of PHP/WINCACHE and IIS running PHP files successfully. I believe the same can be applied to thread safe version of WINCACHE/PHP running under Apache but I do not guarantee that.

  • Final RTW version of WINCACHE 1.0 released

    I am extremely proud to announce that we have released the final RTW version of WINCACHE 1.0. Please look at the forum announcement of the same at which contains all the details about the release. I would strongly recommend everyone running Beta/RC version of WINCACHE 1.0 to upgrade to the final RTW release. If you installed WINCACHE 1.0 RC from Microsoft Web Platform Installer, you can use the same to upgrade to RTW. Upgrade from RC to RTW is supported through WPI. If you have installed WINCACHE 1.0 RC/Beta manually, you will need to install the new binaries manually. Here are the steps:

  • Troubleshooting PHP Installation on Windows

    My PHP installation is not working? I am not able to run my PHP scripts? A simple PHPINFO page is not loading in my browser? These are typical questions I hear from users in the forum. I would still say the best way to install PHP is to use WPI as described by me here and here. I am telling this because WPI installation involves non-manual steps of installing PHP 5.2.11 or PHP5.3.

  • Enabling WINCACHE on per site basis

    With WINCACHE 1.0 RC one can configure parts of WINCACHE solution on a per site basis. As you know WINCACHE has two kinds of cache namely output code cache and file cache. With RC release, you have the ability to turn output code cache on a per site basis. We have got a new WINCACHE directive named WINCACHE.OCENABLEDFILTER which can be used to enable/disable output code cache on a per site basis. This INI directive can take a string which is list of comma separated  numbers. Each number in the string represents a valid site id which is a unique identity IIS gives to each Web Site when the site gets created. All the site id included as part of this string will actually toggle the value of WINCACHE.ocenabled while running WINCACHE functionality. Example, if you have below in your PHP INI file:

  • Running PHP displays the code itself

    At times we get posting on the forum where user complain that when they are running a PHP file, the output is the file itself. This means that the script was not recognized as a PHP script and rather it was treated as plain text by the browser. There are two reasons why you can run into this situation to my knowledge.

  • WINCACHE statistics page - login dialog keeps popping up

    As you know we released WINCACHE 1.0 RC early last week. We have got some good response for all the new features and bug fixes the RC release contains. If you haven't tried the RC version you should definitely try it out. We also included a brand new WINCACHE statistics page which displays lot of useful statistics about the cache. However there were people in the forum who complained about getting the login dialog again and again no matter what they pass as login/password.

  • WINCACHE 1.0 RC - Breaking Change

    This breaking change has got an interesting story. While we were developing this WINCACHE module and I got the initial build to test I realized that the only way to test it using CGI version of PHP. Well I being a developer myself checked out the sources and commented out the code to make it run for CLI version of PHP too. Life was good for me and I found some bugs. Eventually I did move to CGI but I wanted the support for CLI too. I asked my developer to enable it for CLI too. The developer obliged to this and I was so happy getting this on regular builds.

  • WINCACHE 1.0 RC - New cool features

    I will be talking about some new features we have coded in WINCACHE RC release. We have introduced new API and changes/additions to the WINCACHE INI directives. I am going to explain two new improvements we have done over Beta release which will dictate how WINCACHE is going to cache the file.

  • WINCACHE 1.0 RC - Using the statistics page

    We did the Release Candidate (RC) release of WINCACHE today. For details look here. It is exciting to see this out as this gives more flexibility in running the software in production environment. One of the enhancement we have done in this release is to provide a brand new statistics page on popular demand. Lot of people asked about statistics page in the forum. We worked on a new statistics page which is really full of lot of information and will be very useful. It has got:

  • Simple Authentication Page in PHP

    As part of WINCACHE statistics page, I came across the need for making the WINCACHE.php file having some kind of authentication. Yes we will have an official WINCACHE statistics page shipping with the Release Candidate due sometime this month. To know more about this upcoming release please read this blog from the Developer on the team. This is the time that I learnt that PHP has built in authentication support. I am going to talk about basic authentication page using PHP. I will be using code snippet from our new WINCACHE.php page to explain how easily this can be achieved.

  • Upgrading to PHP 5.3 - an easy way

    I already talked about how WPI can help you installing PHP on Windows running IIS. If you haven't read that post, I would encourage you to read that post before continue reading this. The link is here. So wondering why I am asking you to read the previous post of mine. Well the reason is we are going to upgrade to PHP 5.3 following my previous post and then doing a little bit of trick. Again I have seen a lot of forum posting in the IIS forum where people have asked about this. I would again ensure that manual steps are extremely limited and that most of the process is done by the software.

  • Installing PHP on Windows

    There has been numerous post on the IIS forum where people have difficulty installing PHP on Windows. There are many reasons for this. However the main issue is that people try to do the installation manually and any manual step is prone to error. It is not a bad idea to do the installation manually but I would suggest to leave that to an advanced user who knows PHP well and has successfully configured it many times. For novice user or people who are just starting using PHP, I am going to talk about an easy way to install PHP on Windows and IIS. This article applies to user running IIS from Windows XP to Windows 7.