Mario Doiron's Blog
Things to know while automating the Transform Manager service
After writing a forum post a little while ago on this topic, I wanted to add an extra level of details and then post a blog. The issue was pertaining to the intricacies of starting/running the IIS Transform Manager service programmatically such as I was doing in my test automation. Here it is:
Debugging Your Custom IIS Transform Manager Task
To begin, you’ll need to get either a finished or failed job. At this point, if you have not registered your task with the IIS Transform Manager Service yet you should. See here for more details on this. You should also have a WatchFolder setup using a job template with the custom task in question. Finally, copy all the files that are needed to start a job in the watch folder. This will create a job instance which will either end up in the finished or failed queue. Here’s an example of a failed job instance directory: