A Former Microsoft IIS PM

Let's just be honest - life is so short that we just bleep this way & that way with no real claim to fame. I don't need no fame, just friends...and in this cyberworld we live I have you! I have been found... Welcome Friend! Posts here..well, they are just things that pop to this small, yet energized brain of mine!

  • Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 AND IIS 6.0: Host Headers and SSL

    It was my desire to write a blog at 35,000 feet once I determined that internet was available on my flight from Seattle to Copenhagen last Saturday.  It didn’t work out as it seems that we had too much “demand” for the internet and my connection was absolutely horrible and sleep was just way too attractive.

  • Tracing in IIS 6.0 and Windows Server 2003 SP 1

    On Thursday, July 14th, 2005 I admittingly hurried together a presentation termed “IIS 6.0 Tracing:  Inside and Out.”  However, I had everything put together just right to hit a home run in this webcast until “production” came about.  No one out there ever runs into problems only in production do they…?

  • IIS 6.0 Compression

    They say that you can’t teach “old” dogs new tricks but that certainly is the oldest myth in the business.  There are individuals out there that has been breathing IIS inside and out longer than I, but there aren’t many.  You can’t deny the simple fact that no one person knows everything

  • IIS Best Practices: From the field...

    The field (Julian) dropped a best practice off that was directly from a customer.  This is often the types of questions we get from customers and I kinda liked Julian's response...If there is no clear answer, shower them with options - right? 

  • Web Design, Photoshop, and talent...Ship It!

    Man, I tell ya...The past few months I have had the honor to work closer than ever with a true, unbelieveably talented designer.  When I took ownership of the IIS.NET project (not from someone, but instead from ground zero) the first thing I started doing was trying to take the www.asp.net design and apply to the eventual, newly published www.iis.net.  After a few key meetings (imagine the feedback), we were able to squander out a few $$$'s to make an attempt at a new design.  My perspective, or better yet designer "view", was different then (circa March '06) than today as we have a cool, new design in place that offers a unique identity from any other site out there.  In short, I lost through other deliverables the understanding of what a very awesome, and excellent designer can bring to a project.

  • IIS7 Articles: Wow, am I glad that is over...

    So, I am not one that likes to draw attention to what items I am responsible for in my day-to-day job here at Microsoft.  My career thus far has taken me all over the place and I am finding that more and more each day I learn (and get more responsibility -darn it!)