URL Rewrite Technical Preview 1 available
Today we are releasing a very cool feature that lots of customers have really been asking for, URL Rewrite Module is now available for download at:
Download the x86 CTP version for IIS 7.0: http://www.iis.net/downloads/default.aspx?tabid=34&g=6&i=1691
Download the x64 CTP version for IIS 7.0: http://www.iis.net/downloads/default.aspx?tabid=34&g=6&i=1692
I'm pretty happy about this release not only because its a great feature that many of us have been waiting for, but also because I personally got to work quite a bit on it, helping with the Configuration Design, my team (Gurpreet Singh) built the UI, my good friend Daniel built the runtime module and I actually got to write some code and built the apache mod_rewrite translation feature.
To learn more about it and see all the cool documentation and walkthroughs:
So please keep the feedback coming: URL Rewrite Forum: http://forums.iis.net/1152.aspx