SDK Sample: Changing the runtime version of an application pool in IIS 7

The following quick SDK sample demonstrates how to list and change the managed runtime version of application pools programatically in IIS 7.


Imports System
Imports Microsoft.Web.Administration

Public Class AppPoolSample
    Shared manager As ServerManager = New ServerManager()

    ' Main application processing
    Public Shared Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
        ' Get the apppool to change
        Dim iPool As Integer = GetAppPool()

        ' Get the framework version desired
        Dim rtVersion As String = GetVersion()

        ' Set the apppool runtime
        Dim poolToSet As ApplicationPool = manager.ApplicationPools(iPool)

        Console.WriteLine("Setting application pool '{0}' to runtime version: {1}...", _
            poolToSet.Name, rtVersion)
        poolToSet.ManagedRuntimeVersion = rtVersion

        ' Commit the changes and recycle the application pool

        Console.WriteLine("Your changes have been committed.")
    End Sub

    ' Prompts the user to select an application pool
    Public Shared Function GetAppPool() As Integer

        Dim pool As String = String.Empty
        Dim iPool As Integer = 0

        While (Not Integer.TryParse(pool, iPool))
            Console.WriteLine("Available ApplicationPools: Managed runtime version")
            Dim i As Integer
            For i = 0 To manager.ApplicationPools.Count - 1 Step i + 1
                Dim appPool As ApplicationPool = manager.ApplicationPools(i)
                Console.WriteLine("{3}{0,3}.{3}{1}: {2}", i + 1, _
                    appPool.Name, appPool.ManagedRuntimeVersion, vbTab)
            Console.Write("{0}Choose an application pool to change: ", vbCrLf)
            pool = Console.ReadLine()
        End While
        Return iPool - 1
    End Function

    ' Prompts a user to select the version of runtime they would like
    ' the application pool to use
    Public Shared Function GetVersion() As String
        Dim rtVersion As String = String.Empty
        Dim iVersion As Integer = 0

        While (Not Integer.TryParse(rtVersion, iVersion))
            Console.WriteLine("{0}  1.{0}Framework version 1.0", vbTab)
            Console.WriteLine("{0}  2.{0}Framework version 1.1", vbTab)
            Console.WriteLine("{0}  3.{0}Framework version 2.0", vbTab)
            Console.Write("Choose the new managed runtime version: ")
            rtVersion = Console.ReadLine()
        End While

        Select Case iVersion
            Case 1
                rtVersion = "v1.0"
            Case 2
                rtVersion = "v1.1"
            Case 3
                rtVersion = "v2.0"
        End Select

        Return rtVersion
    End Function
End Class


using System;
using Microsoft.Web.Administration;

public class AppPoolSample 
    static ServerManager manager = new ServerManager();
    // Main application processing
    public static void Main(string[] args)  
        // Get the apppool to change
        int iPool = GetAppPool();

        // Get the framework version desired
        string rtVersion = GetVersion();

        // Set the apppool runtime
        ApplicationPool poolToSet = manager.ApplicationPools[iPool];

        Console.WriteLine("Setting application pool '{0}' to runtime version: {1}...",
            poolToSet.Name, rtVersion);
        poolToSet.ManagedRuntimeVersion = rtVersion;

        // Commit the changes and recycle the application pool

        Console.WriteLine("Your changes have been committed.");

    // Prompts the user to select an application pool
    public static int GetAppPool()
        string pool = String.Empty;
        int iPool = 0;

        while ((!int.TryParse(pool, out iPool)) ||
                (iPool > manager.ApplicationPools.Count || iPool <= 0))
            Console.WriteLine("Available ApplicationPools: Managed runtime version");
            for (int i = 0; i <= manager.ApplicationPools.Count - 1; i++)
                ApplicationPool appPool = manager.ApplicationPools[i];
                Console.WriteLine("\t{0,3}.\t{1}: {2}", i + 1, 
                    appPool.Name, appPool.ManagedRuntimeVersion);
            Console.Write("\r\nChoose an application pool to change: ");
            pool = Console.ReadLine();
        return iPool -1;

    // Prompts a user to select the version of runtime they would like
    // the application pool to use
    public static string GetVersion()
        string rtVersion = String.Empty;
        int iVersion = 0;

        while ((!int.TryParse(rtVersion, out iVersion)) ||
                (iVersion > 3 || iVersion < 1))
            Console.WriteLine("\r\n\t   1.\tFramework version 1.0");
            Console.WriteLine("\t   2.\tFramework version 1.1");
            Console.WriteLine("\t   3.\tFramework version 2.0");
            Console.Write("Choose the new managed runtime version: ");
            rtVersion = Console.ReadLine();

        switch (iVersion)
            case 1:
                rtVersion  = "v1.0";
            case 2:
                rtVersion = "v1.1";
            case 3:
                rtVersion = "v2.0";

        return rtVersion;

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