Tobin Titus Blog

  • Ups and Downs of the past month

    It's sometimes hard to hold a completely technical blog, particularly when you have long absences from one post to the next. You feel you have to explain yourself to your readership each time you take more than a week or two between posts.  This is no different.  Despite having a ton of stuff to blog about, I haven't posted since December.  Much of this has to do with regular holiday planning, but much more has happened.  For me, this past month has had some major ups and downs for me emotionally and I'm still a little mixed up.

  • Extending Microsoft.Web.Administration through PowerShell (Part II)

    In my previous post, I showed you how easy it was to leverage your knowledge of the IIS 7 managed SDK in Windows PowerShell.  We loaded the IIS 7 managed assemblies and then traversed the object model to display site information and stop application pools.  While this in itself was pretty cool, I don't think I quite got my point across about how powerful IIS 7 and PowerShell are together. As such, I wanted to show you some more fun things to do with PowerShell in the name of easy IIS 7 administration.

  • Adding performance

    Some of you may have found the title to this blog post as amusing as I do.  Throughout my career, I've been called into many a meeting asking that I "add" performance to a complete or nearly-complete product. No matter how many scowls I got, I could never resist joking about just adding the IPerformance interface.  "And, while you are at it, just add the IScalable one too", I would quip. (OK, I know some of you are doing searches for these interfaces -- don't bother). Laugh as hard as I may, I'm embarrassed to say that I am trying to do this very thing now. 

  • Steve Wozniak ... at Microsoft?

    I know it may sound very strange coming from a Microsoft employee, but last Friday I found myself in awe while I sat directly in front of Steve Wozniak while he gave a presentation ... on Microsoft campus. 

  • Unsafe thread safety

    As I stated in my last post, for the past two days I've been sitting in Jeffrey Richter's threading class. The class is near the end and I can't say that a lot of new concepts have been taught. Another student and I have decided that the class should have been renamed, "Threading Basics". That's not to say anything of Richter's teaching skill or the content of the class.  It just goes to show that if the architecture of a product is right, the threading code should be extremely simple to use.

  • Back in business...

    I haven't blogged for some time now.  This in large part has been due to heavy workload, close deadlines, and the fact that I was alone in my workload.  Over the past few weeks, I've been able to get my head above water.  While our open position on the team is still "open", we've filled our contractor position. Not only have we "filled" it, we've actually brought in one of our old contractors who is more than capable.  He is definitely helping to alieviate my workload already.  I've finished my Vista RTM handoffs and that has taken off some more pressure.  I've also completed my first review at Microsoft and, while I definitely see much room for improvement in the process, I was pretty pleased with the outcome.