
Archives / 2010 / November
  • Sample script for retrieving publishing point status information

    If you have read my previous blog here, you probably already know that in IIS Media Services 4.0 we’re exposing more detailed runtime status information about the live smooth streaming publishing points through RSCA APIs. The “Details” page of the publishing point UI retrieves information through the same APIs. As promised, here I’m publishing a sample Java script that we use internally to test those RSCA APIs. RSCA APIs were already used in IIS Media Services 3.0 to control the publishing point states (start/stop/shutdown). Ezequiel Jadib wrote a nice blog here showing how to use managed code to call RSCA APIs which you can reference if you want to port the sample script to managed code.

  • What’s so important about the “Stopped” state?

    One frequently asked question especially from new users of IIS Live Smooth Streaming is that “why does the publishing point have to get stuck at “Stopped” state before it can be shut down?”. This can  be especially annoying if you want to control your publishing point from the encoder side: After you stopped the encoder, the publishing point goes to “Stopped” state. But if you try to restart the encoder right away, it will fail to connect until you shut down the publishing point.

  • Live Smooth Streaming Publishing Point Advanced Settings

    This is probably a post that’s long due. IIS Media Services allows you to create and configure live publishing points from the UI but that’s not all that you can do with those publishing points. There are some “hidden” and “advanced” properties that you can set on the publishing point to achieve some interesting new behavior. A few new advanced properties were also added in the IIS Media Services 4.0 that was just released. Below is a table listing all the supported publishing point attributes in IIS Media Services 3.0 and 4.0:

  • Back to blogging

    It’s been a long time since I wrote my last blog. Now with the IIS Media Services 4.0 just released, I will finally have some time to write some blogs and talk about some interesting things in IIS smooth streaming and IIS Media Services. Hopefully you will find them useful. More coming up……