FPSE 2002 RC0 for Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista (x86/x64)

Earlier today Microsoft and Ready to Run Software released to web the Release Candidate 0 (RC0) version of the FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions for IIS 7.0 on Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista. This build now includes support for 64-bit Windows, and addresses several issues that we've seen since the FPSE release that shipped last April.

Listed below are the links for the download pages for each of the individual installation packages:

FPSE 2002 RC0 for IIS 7 is supported on all of the the following operating systems:

  • Windows Server 2008 (Code Name "Longhorn")
  • Windows Vista Ultimate
  • Windows Vista Home Premium
  • Windows Vista Business
  • Windows Vista Enterprise

Additional documentation about installing and using this version of FPSE 2002 can be found at the following URL:

Installing the FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions:

Quoting and updating some of my notes from the last release:

It should be noted that this version of FPSE 2002 is a beta release and is therefore unsupported. Also, this version of FPSE 2002 introduces no new functionality; it is essentially the same version of FPSE 2002 that was created for Windows Server 2003 that has been updated to work on Windows Server 2008 (code name "Longhorn") and Windows Vista. That being said, this version of FPSE 2002 will enable web hosters and developers to author their web content on servers or workstations that are running IIS 7.0 on Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista.

While this release is a beta version and not technically supported, feedback about this release and requests for information can be sent to fpbeta@rtr.com or posted to the following web forum:

IIS7 - Publishing:


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