
Archives / 2011 / April
  • Bad Characters to Use in Web-based Filenames

    My good friend Wade Hilmo recently posted an excellent blog titled "How IIS blocks characters in URLs" that discusses some of the internal workings for how IIS deals with several characters in file names that do not work well in URLs. Wade’s blog does a great job explaining all of the internal IIS URL parsing logic in detail, and his post reminded me of some related notes that I had published on an internal website at Microsoft. As a complement to Wade’s outstanding blog post, I’m reposting my notes in this blog.

  • Credential Caching in FTP 7.0 and FTP 7.5

    I've seen a few situations where people that are using the FTP 7.0 and FTP 7.5 service have noticed that it takes a while for their password changes to be reflected by the FTP service. To put this another way, here are the typical symptoms that people describe to me: