Contents tagged with IIS8

  • CPU Throttling in IIS 8

    From time to time I encounter a website that is maxing out the server’s CPU.  In previous versions of IIS, there were two basic options.  One, you could do nothing.  Or two, you could kill the worker process for a specified number of minutes.  

  • Restricting web site traffic in IIS 7 and IIS 8

    Sometimes you need to restrict traffic to your web site or reduce the impact from a rogue bot that is hitting it.  Often, the first thought is to restrict that traffic at the perimeter firewall.  While that is a good choice, the structure of your organization may prevent that from happening in a timely manner.  Or maybe you are frequently making changes to the restrictions making that a cumbersome chore.

  • IIS 8 FTP

    This post began its life as ‘What’s new in IIS 8 FTP’ but has since morphed into something quite different.  As the ultimate goal is still to talk about what’s new with FTP for IIS 8, I have retained IIS, 8, and FTP in the title but nothing more.

  • IIS8 Memory Improvements

    There is a lot of buzz in the Internet Information Services (IIS) community about IIS 8, the version of IIS that is included with Windows Server 2012.  While there are plenty of new features in IIS 8, for this writing I am going to focus on the memory improvements that you will see for the application pools.  Memory is a key resource on an IIS server as it is often the first limiting factor if you planned your CPU and disk requirements appropriately.