IIS Authentication plugin for the Wordpress PHP blogging engine

This weekend, I was working on an MSDN magazine article and happened to install the Wordpress PHP blog app on IIS7.  Of course, I used the latest FastCGI bits available in the box in in Windows Server 2008 Beta 3, and the latest Windows-optimized PHP 5.2.3 build from www.php.net.  Long story short, I ended up writing a Wordpress plugin that allows Wordpress to use IIS authentication methods, including forms authentication.

Read about installing Wordpress on IIS7, the Wordpress extensibility model, and get the IIS Authentication plugin here: http://mvolo.com/blogs/serverside/archive/2007/08/12/IIS-Authentication-plugin-for-the-Wordpress-PHP-blogging-engine.aspx.

1 Comment

  • I know you showed how to do this with IIS7, but your blog is down and i'm only able to get to the google cached version. Anyone else have a live link?

    I'm also looking for where i can get the attachment for what was already started.

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