Follow-up on my TechNet webcast on What's New in IIS7 for IT Pros

I wanted to follow up on a couple questions that came up during my TechNet webcast  What’s New in Microsoft Internet Information Services 7.0 for IT Professionals. If you are checking out the web cast, hang out until the end of the web cast -- I had some VPC problems during the session, so during the Q&A session at the end, while Isaac fielded questions, I fixed the VPC and did the demos at the end. I also got some comments around audio. I think we fixed this for upcoming webcasts (Rob's web cast on Microsoft Internet Information Services 7.0 Diagnostics & Troubleshooting, which went very well)...sorry we ran into this glitch in mine.

To follow up on some specific questions that I had during the webcast:

1. Does IIS support the .NET 3.5 framework? The answer is yes, we do support and test the .NET 3.5 framework on IIS7.

2. Do you interop with the EDI framework? We have not tested this as part of app compat testing and it is not officially supported by IIS.

3. Can you allow specific IPs to access the detailed error messages on the server? No, you can't modify or configure the detailed error messages to allow access from specific IPs. If you really wanted to have this scenario enabled for testing in a staging environment, you might be able to write a module that changes the Client IP to for certain IPs. That approach has security implications so I wouldn't recommend this for production. If you take this approach, you should only do it in a testing environment. If you implemented this in production, it would affect other modules that look at the client’s IP address, which opens up a security vulnerability.  



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