Real World IIS Videocasts for Community ASP.NET and PHP Application Packaging and Deployment

I just wrapped up a series of videocasts that target developers and users who want to experience a simplified deployment experience for apps and the Web stack on Windows, focusing particularly on ASP.NET and PHP open source community applications.

For developers

  • make sure that you have the latest Microsoft Web platform tools (including the Microsoft Web server, applications and frameworks, database and tools, as well as PHP), watch the Staying Current with the Latest Web Platform with Web Platform Installer videocast (7 minutes). 
  • add required Web Deployment tool integration for the Windows Web App Gallery and/or simplify installation on Windows, watch Adding Web Deployment Tool Support to Community Application Zip Packages (12 minutes). This video explains how to add Web Deployment Tool manifest files to a community application zip file (WordPress in this case) for easier deployment on Windows.
  • find a community application that deploys easily on Windows and learn how to re-package that app with customizations for deployment to a rstrongote IIS7 Web server, see the Packaging and Deploying an Open Source Application Using Web Deployment Tool videocast (11 minutes). This video walks through how to find and customize SilverStripe from the Web App Gallery, then re-package and deploy the customized SilverStripe package using Web Deployment Tool to a remote IIS7 server.

For Windows users

Technologies discussed

As always, HTTP streaming over IIS brought to you by IIS Smooth Streaming. My next set of videos focuses on IIS7 extensions on the server that make it easier to manage Web apps and their databases, and optimize for search engines. Stay tuned!

1 Comment

  • Actually, you can install the Application Request Routing (ARR) module using Web Platform Installer. We have both a v1.0 and a beta of the 2.0 available (you should pick which one you want since you can't install both.) ARR provides proxy services on top of WS 2008. You can read more about it at:

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