
Archives / 2010 / March
  • Web PI APIs: Visualize Product Hierarchy with DGML

    Today, I was checking one of my favorite blogs by Tess Fernandez, which is a great source of discussions, tips and tricks around debugging. One of the latest blogs is about GCRootToDGML tool written by Chris Lovett to generate a visual representation (DGML graph) of the runtime objects graphs. Running Visual Studio 2010 RC for already a couple of weeks, I haven’t even heard about this new feature. It comes as no surprise, since Visual Studio 2010 has tons of great features and it will take some time to discover them all. My immediate thought was to finally realize my long-due project at low cost – generating a diagram of Web PI product dependencies. So, once this idea came to my mind, a blocking thread was spawned stopping me from doing anything else until the goal was reached. What I thought before was going to take at least a day to write, with DGML and VS 2010 turned out to be just a couple of hours including the initial research and playing around with the feature.