Contents tagged with FTP7

  • Viewing current FTP7 sessions

    FTP7 Beta administrative tool doesn't include information about currently executing Ftp sessions. The FTP7 runtime session information is exposed through the IIS7 config API extensibility but the information

  • How to programatically create an FTP7 site

    Note: Unlike the previous versions of FTP servers released by Microsoft, FTP7 shares it's site configuration with the Web Server (IIS7). Standalone FTP server is now nothing more than a web site with ftp binding. Sharing of the configuration is really nice because it allows FTP publishing to be set up on top of the existing web site. Such site would contain both "http" and "ftp" binding.
    Administrator has to be aware of this new logic. It means that site names and site IDs are now shared between the Web Server and FTP server. So if there is site with Id="1" already used by web server, then different site ID would need to be used for the standalone FTP server. Please keep it in mind when using the code snippet. Also, make sure you have FTP 7 installed.