Dean's Blog

Just random things I observe while working with IIS and SharePoint in the field

  • When an Unhealthy ISAPI Isn’t Really Unhealthy

    Recently, a customer came to me with an interesting issue. While migrating SharePoint 2010 sites from one farm to another, he was seeing errors in the system event log on the target farm similar to the following:

  • IIS7/8: Logging the real client IP in the IIS hit logs

    I’ve seen questions around logging the real client IP in the IIS logs come up a handful of times in the past few weeks, so I figured I’d try and tackle that here. If you’re using load balancing with IIS (who isn’t these days?), then you’ve probably seen that by default, the load balancer’s IP address is generally what’s logged as the client IP in the c-ip field in your IIS logs. These days, most load balancers (and proxy servers) should have the ability to preserve the original client IP in an optional header: X-Forwarded-For. All well and good, but how exactly do we get IIS to log that XFF value to the c-ip field?

  • IIS Log FAQ - Logging Headers

    From time to time, I see some fairly common questions come across our internal discussion alias that we really don't do a good job of documenting externally, so I figured that as I see these frequently asked questions come up, I’d go ahead and post the answers here. I’ll start with one of the more common ones.

  • Tips & Tricks: DebugDiag 1.2

    A few years ago, I was lucky enough to have a very small hand in the birth of DebugDiag. In version 1.0, I got to do some work on the analysis scripts, as well as work on one of the debugger extensions it uses for analysis. As a result of the time I spent working on it, it’s still one of my favorite troubleshooting tools.

  • Web Farm Framework and proxy servers: Part 2

    In part 1, I focused on how to work around situations where your WFF controller has to pass through a proxy server in order to successfully retrieve the products feed. The configuration sample I provided didn’t address another possible scenario: What if that proxy server requires authentication?

  • Configuration Editor–An Admin’s Best Friend

    Configuration Editor has to be one of my favorite pieces of the IIS7 UI, and probably one of the least publicized. For anyone who hasn’t used it, you should give it a whirl. In addition to allowing you to browse the config using a treeview style layout, it also provides samples showing how to configure IIS via appcmd or code. If you’ve struggled to figure out the proper syntax for different appcmd tasks, this feature is for you! Now, this post isn’t intended to be a walkthrough on how to use Config Editor to generate samples, as we already have blog posts on to demonstrate that: