Contents tagged with Microsoft.Web.Administration

  • Creating a Setup Project for IIS Extensions using Visual Studio 2008

    IIS 7 provides a rich extensibility model, whether extending the server or the user interface, one critical thing is provide a simple setup application that can install all the required files, add any registration information required, and modify the server settings as required by the extension.
    Visual Studio 2008 provides a set of project types called Setup and Deployment projects specifically for this kind of applications. The output generated for these projects is an MSI that can perform several actions for you, including copying files, adding files to the GAC, adding registry keys, and many more.
    In this document we will create a setup project to install a hypothetical runtime Server Module that also includes a User Interface extension for IIS Manager.
    Our setup will basically perform the following actions:
    •    Copy the required files, including three DLL’s and an html page.
    •    Add a couple of registry keys.
    •    Add the managed assemblies to the GAC
    •    Modify applicationHost.config to register a new module
    •    Modify administration.config to register a new UI extensibility for InetMgr
    •    Create a new sample application that exposes the html pages
    •    Finally, we will remove the changes from both configuration files during uninstall